Layer 1 was deposited 5
Intrusion 2 formed 3
Intrusion 3 formed 6
Layer 5 was deposited 2
Layer 4 was deposited 1
Earth cracked at fault B 4
Layers 4, and 5 were the first to happen because before layers can be deformed they have to be deposited (principle of initial horizontality). The order of the layers is 4 then 5 (then 1) because the oldest layers are always on the bottom (principle of superposition). Then intrusion 2 is formed and after that is the fault B. Intrusion 2 was formed before the fault occurred because the intrusion was altered and shifted from its original placement, as did layers 4, and 5 due to the fault (B). Layer 1 happened just before intrusion 3 because it was not impacted by the fault (occurring after the fault) but was broken through by the intrusion. (principle of cross-cutting relationships) The last thing to happen was intrusion 3. You can tell because the path of intrusion 3 shows that all the changes that occurred from fault B happened before the intrusion did. The path of the intrusion swept over all the other disfigured layers.